PFP for TikTok
All social networks are based on the pictures you post on them and the text you include with your posts. That’s why pictures are crucial for your recognition in the online community. This is a way for you to be recognized and to connect to your friends, family, business associates, and everyone else on social networks. Your profile picture is your social media ID and you need to make sure it’s recognizable, unique, and, most importantly, always there for everyone to see!
Your TikTok profile picture – also known as PFP – is there to show who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. But that’s quite impossible to do if your profile picture isn’t there to represent you! Instead of your smiling face, you’re stuck with the default gray and white default image that tells nothing about your personality and your profile. And that’s why we are happy to help you to solve this problem straight away! Profile picture has huge importance, whether it’s a Facebook profile picture, Instagram profile picture, TikTok profile picture or any other social network that you prefer.
How do I change my profile picture on TikTok?
Doing this is quite easy – or it should be. You just need to tap Profile in the bottom right corner of your phone, then go to the Edit Profile option, and choose one of two options that are available to you – Change Photo or Change Video. After that, you can either upload a photo/video from your gallery or take a new one, and that’s it!
Why won’t TikTok let me change my profile picture?
There are lots of reasons why this might be happening, but there are two things that could be the reason. First, the problem isn’t with you, but with TikTok. Because so many people are using the network all the time, the number of users is getting bigger every single day. Therefore, TikTok’s services are getting down from time to time, and that’s why the problem with TikTok profile picture glitch might be huge from time to time.
Another problem might be with your app only – if it’s outdated or you haven’t updated it for a while, your TikTok might need restarting. So, if the question you’re asking is quite simple – “Why is TikTok not letting me change my PFP?” – you need to start by restarting your app before you do anything else.

What to do when you can’t change your pfp on tiktok?
Luckily, there are several things you can do if this keeps happening, and here are several ideas you might want to try:
1. Restart the app
As mentioned above, do this thing first. Close your TikTok and start it again, and the problem with your PFP should be fixed.
2. Restart your phone
If this doesn’t work, you need to take things even further and restart your phone. This should restart all your apps, including TikTok, and you should be able to see your PFP.
3. Uninstall the app
If restarting your app and your phone doesn’t seem to be working, you should uninstall your TikTok and install it again. This will take just a couple of minutes and you just need to log in again and see your PFP.
4. Update the app
Updating your apps is something you have to do from time to time, so if you’re having troubles with your PFP and can’t solve them by restarting or reinstalling TikTok, just try to update it quickly.
5. Check the status of your server
Just link all other social networks, TikTok relies on a number of servers all around the world that make things happen for users everywhere. And if one of these servers is down, the whole system collapses, including the part of the app that’s supposed to change your PFP, so check your server and see if it’s working.
6. Use a different server or VPN
In case your server isn’t working, just use another server or a VPN connection that allows you to access TikTok from a different server.
7. Check your connection
Sometimes, your Wi-Fi or mobile data connection isn’t working properly, and that’s going to stop all your apps from working. Check your mobile connection and make sure it’s up before you start looking into other solutions.
8. Change the profile photo/video
If one of your photos or videos isn’t working as your PFP, just try another choice. This might seem like a silly solution, but it usually does the trick.
9. Clear app cache
In the end, try cleaning your app cache, especially if you have a habit of using it all day long. Once you do that, your app will be more responsive and your PFP shouldn’t be a problem.
Frequently asked questions
How to have no profile picture on TikTok?
In your Profile options, you won’t find a “Delete” button, which means you can’t delete your PFP – but you can use a black background that will make you invisible on TikTok.
Why are TikTok profile pictures gone?
Due to different reasons that are usually connected to TikTok’s instability and the fact that it experienced glitches every now and then. Sometimes, the problem might be with your phone, so check whether your TikTok app needs to be updated.
Why does TikTok remove my profile picture?
If your PFP is explicit in any way, shape, or form, TikTok might remove it as a part of its general terms of service.
How do I change my TikTok PFP back to default?
Going back to your default settings won’t be possible, but you can use a simple trick – search for TikTok default PFP on Google, download it, and upload it as your profile picture.
Why does my TikTok profile picture keep disappearing?
Due to various glitches that occur now and then and have nothing to do with your account specifically. Just use one of the aforementioned ways to solve this problem and you’ll have nothing to worry about! And don’t forget to be patient – if one of the ways isn’t working, try one of the others. In the end, one of these nine ways will help you reach a solution, so take your time and don’t stop trying until you’ve done that.
Social networks are huge systems and it’s not unusual to expect some issues when there are so many users using the app. But when you do some important changes such as changing your TikTok pfp, it can be frustrating when you are not able to do it immediately. Especially if you invested some time to create it or if you are earning money from your TikTok profile. We hope that these 9 fixes will help you to change and update your profile picture smoothly.